I was pretty happy with this scrub at first. It smelled nice, it felt nice and thick, it gave a satisfyingly clean feeling. But aftr a few uses I noticed that it was harder and harder to get the scrub to squeeze out of the bottle.
Turns out that when they designed this bottle, they gave this thick scrub a teeny tiny little hole to come out of at the top! Which means that it gets easily plugged up, and is hard to squeeze out after a while. I had to unscrew the cap and rinse it out in water for a few minutes to clear it back out.
As a result, I find I don't use this scrub very often. It's a fine product, but someone really needs to re-engineer the cap so that the opening is a bit wider and the product doesn't become all gummed up (ya hear that, Neutrogena?).
BTW, Ellen over at Lipstick, Powder 'N Paint will be doing special posts all week long looking at what products different beauty bloggers have in their makeup bags. I am quite honored to be one such beauty blogger. =) So be sure to head on over to her site and check out what I and other beauty bloggers use as our favorite products!
As a relatively new reader of you site, I may have missed you ever mentioning this before -- but do you ever use Dermologica products?
I hear you on the orifice problem. I hate when companies do that! didn't anyone TEST this before it went to market?!?
Dermalogica is good stuff. you can get a real-time "face mapping" on dermalogica.com, that details the different zones of your face (based off chinese medicine) and find out which types of products work best for those areas.
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