This saturday my step-sister and I (whose birthdays are 4 days apart) are having a joint birthday celebration at a bar. I want to wear one of the following dresses-- I realize I may end up a bit overdressed but, ya know what, it's my birthday and I can dress how I want to! ; ) Plus I bought these dresses last month and haven't had a chance to wear them yet, and don't know when else I will.
Soooo... without further adew, here's dress #1:

And, dress # 2:

(If you click on the pictures you can see larger versions of them)
So, which one should I wear?
Hiya, I found your site from your post on Las F. Both dresses are gorgeous, but I like dress #2. Purple is still really popular but I think the color just works better on you :) Lots of people do black, but it's your birthday so bust out with some color!
I would go for number 1
It is hot and really show your fab body
I like the first one the best, both look lovely on you, but it screams elegant but fun to me.
Have a lovely Birthday celebration.!
I lovvvvvvvvvvve #2, both the dress itself and how it looks on you. Either one looks awesome, though.
Oh geez, I love them both! But since it's your birthday and all (Happy Birthday!) I think you should go for dress #1, a little flirtier...
That was me (b) as a test -- I cannot leave comments on the beta blogger (yours or anyone else's) for some reason, I get an error message!
Anyway, I vote for the first one -- too cute!
they're both soso pretty!!! i like #2 a bit more, but both make you look beautiful!
#2!! Very Audrey Hepburnesque (if that can pass as a usable word for comparison purposes). You look svelte and lovely. :)
I would say DRESS #1!!!
what is wrong with people....dress one is horrible and looks like the tacky dress one of my friends wore to some party....wear dress #2!
tough choice...I'll have to go with 2. I love the color.
This is F Cali. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you; your profile doesn't link your blog and so I had to google you. I vote for dress #2, definitely. It's slimming and elongating, much more so than dress #1. Both are lovely. Hope you had fun.
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