Then I came accross Victoria's Secret PINK cotton thongs ($7.50 ea, or 5/$25). I forget why I tried them initially, probably because of the cute prints and also how soft the fabric felt-- always promising. I've tried both their classic thong and their v-string thong now, and I have to say... I will wear no other thongs now. These are the most comfortable ones I have ever worn, and there will be no turning back. I've even worn them on long (5+ hr) flights and felt nothing. I realize every woman's body is different so these may not work for everyone... but they arew honestly the most comfortable thong I have ever tried. I've even tried out other Victoria's Secret thongs (like their Body by Victoria collection) and been dissappointed. These are it for me-- they're adorable and come in a ton of different colors and patterns, they're super comfortable, they're cotton (good for your nether-regions), and they're still relatively inexpensive.
So, next time you're out shopping for some new underwear, be sure to pop into Victoria's Secret and check these out. I don't think you'll be dissappointed.
I swear by Barely There thongs - don't even know you're wearing them and they keep my tummy area feeling all tucked in and secure.
Really? Where are those sold? I might be curious to try them. =)
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